Background Checks

Do you need a background check?

Checkmate Investigative Group can help you complete a background check on employees, tenants, or any individual you need more information on. Our private investigators will provide you with the information you need to uncover or verify information such as criminal records or fraud.

Need information on an employee, tenant or individual?

Contact us today and our investigators will provide you with a standard or comprehensive report. We can give you the information you need on an individual or business.

Background Checks

private investigator performing a background check

Why hire a private investigator to do a background check?

A private investigator can help you research an individual to find out whether or not they have a criminal record or other information. Some reasons for conducting a background check include:

  • checking the identity of a person
  • screening a potential employee or tenant
  • verifying information about an indivual or business you are considering doing business with.’
  • uncovering or verifying information about a romantic partner


How deep do you need us to dig?

Checkmate offers both Standard and Comprehensive Background Check services, plus several stand-alone single-purpose options. If you just need cursory but detailed information about an individual, our Standard Background Check is a great option. It is more comprehensive than the most detailed reports you’ll find elsewhere.

If you really want us to dig deep (suspicious person in your life, you’re thinking about hiring a nanny or other caregiver, or you daughter is talking about marrying someone with some holes in their life story), you may want to opt for the Comprehensive Background Check.

Whether you are in the local area or live outside of the Tampa are, we can do provide you with the research and investigative services you need.  Let us know what you’re looking for, and we will recommend the best search option. Completed reports are usually available to the client the following business day.

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